Outage Report

Updated: 4/15/24

Gauge Map
For a map showing which gauges are related to the "repeater" stations on certain peaks, see the map here. Note that some stream gauges are connected via cellular modems are they would not be impacted by repeater outages.

The following stations are out of service for reasons and durations described below.

Marsh Creek @ Marsh Creek Fire Stream Gauge (MCF): We continue to have issues with this gauge's radio link from the station to the remote stream gauge sensor. We are looking for a way to make this work. Since the station is connected to the rain gauge at the same location and the radio path from the station to our repeater is weak, we have few options. This gauge will continue to connect off and on until we can find a solution. We have been made aware that our access to the rain gauge part of this setup will be restricted and we are looking for alternatives as to where to move the gauge near the site.

Grayson Creek @ Center Ave (GCA): The sensor for this stream gage malfunctioned and we have sent it in for repairs.

If other gauges are shown as "M" or missing data, they are not out of service, but the gauges have not reported in last 24 hours. We work to diagnose why a gauge is not reporting and remedy the issues as soon as possible.


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