Plots of All Rain Gauges Click for notes about this page and data

Arroyo Del Hambre
Bald Peak
Bethel Island Fire Station
Bixler Pumping Plant
Brentwood Corp Yard
Byron Airport
Concord Pavilion
Cummings Peak
Danville Library
Dublin Fire Station
El Sobrante
Flood Control Headquarters
Grayson Creek @ Taylor Blvd
Highland Peak
Ironhouse Sanitary District
Kregor Peak
Los Medanos
Marsh Cr Reservoir
Marsh Creek Fire Sta. @ Marsh Creek
Mt Diablo Park Headquarters
Mt Diablo Peak
Orinda Fire Station
Richmond City Hall
Rocky Ridge
Roddy Ranch
Rodeo Fire Station
St. Mary's College
Weapons Station Fire
Wiedemann Hill
Ygnacio Valley Fire Station

ADH37 - Arroyo Del Hambre
Arroyo Del HambreArroyo Del Hambre
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BLD32 - Bald Peak
Bald PeakBald Peak
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BIF44 - Bethel Island Fire Station
Bethel Island Fire StationBethel Island Fire Station
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BIX14 - Bixler Pumping Plant
Bixler Pumping PlantBixler Pumping Plant
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BCO86 - Brentwood Corp Yard
Brentwood Corp YardBrentwood Corp Yard
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BAP45 - Byron Airport
Byron AirportByron Airport
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CCP43 - Concord Pavilion
Concord PavilionConcord Pavilion
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CRK35 - Cummings Peak
Cummings PeakCummings Peak
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DVB31 - Danville Library
Danville LibraryDanville Library
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DBF20 - Dublin Fire Station
Dublin Fire StationDublin Fire Station
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ESB66 - El Sobrante
El SobranteEl Sobrante
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FCD11 - Flood Control Headquarters
Flood Control HeadquartersFlood Control Headquarters
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GCC36 - Grayson Creek @ Taylor Blvd
Grayson Creek @ Taylor BlvdGrayson Creek @ Taylor Blvd
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HLD10 - Highland Peak
Highland PeakHighland Peak
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ISD39 - Ironhouse Sanitary District
Ironhouse Sanitary DistrictIronhouse Sanitary District
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KGR38 - Kregor Peak
Kregor PeakKregor Peak
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MED19 - Los Medanos
Los MedanosLos Medanos
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MCR25 - Marsh Cr Reservoir
Marsh Cr ReservoirMarsh Cr Reservoir
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MCF16 - Marsh Creek Fire Sta. @ Marsh Creek
Marsh Creek Fire Sta. @ Marsh CreekMarsh Creek Fire Sta. @ Marsh Creek
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MDP13 - Mt Diablo Park Headquarters
Mt Diablo Park HeadquartersMt Diablo Park Headquarters
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DBL22 - Mt Diablo Peak
Mt Diablo PeakMt Diablo Peak
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ORF18 - Orinda Fire Station
Orinda Fire StationOrinda Fire Station
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RIC21 - Richmond City Hall
Richmond City HallRichmond City Hall
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RKY34 - Rocky Ridge
Rocky RidgeRocky Ridge
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RRG47 - Roddy Ranch Golf Club
Roddy Ranch Golf ClubRoddy Ranch Golf Club
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ROF15 - Rodeo Fire Station
Rodeo Fire StationRodeo Fire Station
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RSS29 - Rossmoor
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SMC12 - St. Mary's College
St. Mary's CollegeSt. Mary's College
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TAS53 - Tassajara
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WSF51 - Weapons Station Fire
Weapons Station FireWeapons Station Fire
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WDN54 - Wiedemann Hill
Wiedemann HillWiedemann Hill
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YGF33 - Ygnacio Valley Fire Station
Ygnacio Valley Fire StationYgnacio Valley Fire Station
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This provides a quick view of all the rain gauge plots on one page. In the cumulative view the steeper the curve is the more intense the rainfall is. Seeing these plots all together allows us to compare their general shapes. If a curve is "rounder" or "flatter" than the others during a storm, we can suspect the gauge is plugged. The hourly rain plot also helps us see if there is a plugged gauge. If we see small amounts of rain recorded for several hours and other gauges not doing this, we can suspect a clogged gage.

Note that the vertical scale is different from plot to plot.

If a plot is missing it is likely due to a minor data transmission error. The plot should appear during the next data transmission process.

Modified: 2022-01-17